26 July 2009

This is Just to Say.....

Welcome to my blog.

Nature, music, food, art, architecture, travel, friends and experiencing life to its fullest is where its at for me……happiness means being able to take the time to appreciate the world and how crazy, fun and amazing it can be…and how baffling it sometimes is…not always easy though as we deal with people and the world. The people that I hold closest are endlessly curious and energetic about the world while at the same time, not being merely self indulgent or escapist…they engage and act, striving to live an excellent life, with integrity, energy and passion aimed at leaving a positive mark, big or small.

In keeping this blog, I will share those things that have made me smile (or groan) or that have struck me in a way that I thought others would find interesting……and I hope you enjoy these little observations…And, in the words of the Art Blakey, may it “wash away the dust of everyday life…”

Also, having bounced around quite a bit in my life, so many of my closest friends are spread all over the world and it is often very difficult to keep in close contact…this is a way to connect people and to share and exchange thoughts will all of those that are elsewhere, and enjoying life in their own way.

...And I thought William Carlos Williams poem, "This is Just to Say" captures it all perfectly.....